
Good news everyone!

9 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


Bigmaud dijo...

Futurama es genial, merece más fama de la que tiene.


David Dunn (J. Lorite) dijo...

¡A la venta en DVD de un momento a otro! ¡Benditos sean los nuevos idiotas de la Fox!


Listo Entertainment dijo...

Acabo de ver el trailer por tercera vez y por fin he pillado el chiste de los "many fans" :)

Anónimo dijo...


y cómo sabes cuando has pillado un chiste? te ries? dices qué gilipollas soy!! te pones colorado? matas a alguien? gritas euskera? se enciende una bombillita? eh? qué!?

il 'magico' dijo...

ooooo q bueno
vaya graciosas q son las voces originales! nunca me hubiera imaginao esa de voz de pito de fry

Anónimo dijo...

a ver.. tiene algo que ver con los ventiladores?

Anónimo dijo...

mms.. vale, que os jodan.

Anónimo dijo...

- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
por l atarde
Nelo dice:
vuelves esta tarde o volviste ayer por la tarde?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
esta tarde
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
tu eres avispada para pillar los chistes¿
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no se, prueba xd
Nelo dice:
hay en el video q te pasé ayer un chiste referido hacia los fans de futurama
Nelo dice:
viste el video¿
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
creo que no
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
o si?
Nelo dice:
q no lo viste o que no lo pillaste el chiste?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no lo vi xd
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
nada pues..
Nelo dice:
cuando lo veas me lo dices
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
pasame le link
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
lo has dicho en frances
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
q chic
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
es el segundo post
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
lo del dvd no? xdd
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
nada eh
Nelo dice:
no lo pillas..
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
creo que si :/
Nelo dice:
y en qué dudas?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no dudaba
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
pero como me dijist eso.. xd
Nelo dice:
yo te hice dudar?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
bueno y ahora dudas o no dudas?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
ya no
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
has visto los coments?¿
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
algo importante?
Nelo dice:
si. la clave de esta conversación
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
el nabo dijo...

y cómo sabes cuando has pillado un chiste? te ries? dices qué gilipollas soy!! te pones colorado? matas a alguien? gritas euskera? se enciende una bombillita? eh? qué!?

- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
esq no quiero parecer tonto preguntado cual es el chiste
Nelo dice:
por eso lo pregunto de forma indirecta
Nelo dice:
q casi no se nota
Nelo dice:
como podrás observar
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
tu eras quien no encontraba el chiste? xD
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
yo soy el nabo
Nelo dice:
elq no encontraba el chiste es el listo
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
ya, ya
Nelo dice:
pero yo no sé si lo he o no encontrado
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
lodigo por lo que acabas d decirme xd
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
por eso estamos aki hablando
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
yo no sabia esto desde el principio
Nelo dice:
ya.. las conversaciones están para llegar a algun punto.. y esta nos ha llevado a esto
Nelo dice:
es normal
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
tu siemrpe quiere sllegar a algun punto que yo desconozco
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
pues igual de desconcertado me tienes tu a mi
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
porq todavía sigo sin saber si he pillado o no el chistecito
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
a ver
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
dime en que dudas
Nelo dice:
tiene q ver con los ventiladores?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
te pregunto si tiene q ver conlos ventiladores
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no pero me he perdido algo xd
Nelo dice:
el que?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no se
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
me lo h eprdido
Nelo dice:
y que te lleva a decir eso?
Nelo dice:
dime en que dudas tu
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
ante suna cosa..
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
no los has visto en el video?¿
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
ah si
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
pero no los hbia relacionado connada
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:

Nelo dice:
y entonces de que te crees tu q iba esto¿
Nelo dice:
es el trozo donde dice lo de 'many fans'
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
volvere a ver el video
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
me estas mareando, como casi siempre xd
Nelo dice:
bueno por eso te dije q si tenias tiempo. y si no te lodije perdona, pensé hacerlo
Nelo dice:
pero como no usas bien los iconos gestuales pues no sé
Nelo dice:
hay q andarse con mil titubeos antes
Nelo dice:
acabo de tener una sensación de deja vu
Nelo dice:
como si esto lo hubiese vivido en un sueño o algo
Nelo dice:
q chungo
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
ah si?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
por que no uso bien los iconos? :/
Nelo dice:
me refiero al no disponible, ausente y tal
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
solo uso uno de hecho
Nelo dice:
a eso me referia
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
sigo sin asociar los ventiladores a nada
Nelo dice:
has leido los comentarios?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
pues ahi esta el quid de cuestion tia
Nelo dice:
a ver
Nelo dice:
en donde lila dice 'many fans' según el Listo, hay un chiste!
Nelo dice:
cual es el chiste digo yo...?
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
yo solo le encontraba gracia a lo buy it, pero bueno
Nelo dice:
entonces no comprendes loq dice el Listo?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
pues ais visto no
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
y como deberia verse para entender algo?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
yo pensaba que iba todo relaconado alo del sapo
Nelo dice:
lo many fans tambien?
Nelo dice:
piensas q la contestación del listo es al que está encima de él tambien?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
pensandolo bien... no creo
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
lo del sapo es evidente ais que
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no creo xd
Nelo dice:
pues eso
Nelo dice:
me pregunto yo
Nelo dice:
si el chiste alq el listo se refiere es una especie de ironia a la cantidad de teleespectadores q debia tener la serie
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
igual e seso
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
es eso*
Nelo dice:
teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que los cancelaron porq no tuvo el éxito esperado, es de suponer q el presupuesto no les llegue para efectos especiales y tengan q usas esos cutres ventiladores para simular el viento
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
que movidas s ete ocurren
Nelo dice:
a mi?
Nelo dice:
entonces no es eso loq quiere decir matt groegin?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no lo se
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
quiza si xd
Nelo dice:
bueno pues pienso llegar hasta el fondo de esta cuestión
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
cuando la resuelva te aviso
Nelo dice:
o si no tambien puedes colaborar con tus comentarios en la susodicha paginita
Nelo dice:
están faltos de feminas
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i es apgina
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
de donde salio
Nelo dice:
se agradeceria mucho un comentario tuyo
Nelo dice:
de donde?
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
pues verás
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
ah si?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no se
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
quiza comente
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
si encuentro algo que decir xD
Nelo dice:
bueno la pagina es de un colega
Nelo dice:
y yo lo conozco solo por internet
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
de colaborar con él y ya
Nelo dice:
lo conocí en una etapa turbia de mi vida
Nelo dice:
yo andaba por ahi en foros y blogs despotricando contra todo dios
Nelo dice:
armando una bakanal virtual
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
por donde pasaba no volvía a circular la electricidad
Nelo dice:
como aquello q decia aquiles
Nelo dice:
de su caballo
Nelo dice:
q por donde pasaba ya no crecia la yerba
Nelo dice:
pero llevado a la era de los bits
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
y di con su pagina
Nelo dice:
de tanto en tanto
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i te gusto
Nelo dice:
me gustó
Nelo dice:
pero a él le gusté mas yo
Nelo dice:
y me ofreció colaborar
Nelo dice:
y yo lo mandé a la mierda
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
pero ahora me he hecho mas mayor
Nelo dice:
y tengo otra forma de ver las cosas
Nelo dice:
por suerte
Nelo dice:
él no me guarda rencor
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i colaboras, no?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
hace cuanto lo conoces
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
un par de años
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
mire por encima un poco
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i el otro dia vi una manifestacion orbe la vivienda
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
se ve que se intentaba busca run record del mundo
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
no le presté mucha atencion a eso
Nelo dice:
de que va el tema?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
el dia 6 por lo visto fue
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
pretendia manifestarse en frente d ecada ayuntamiento por lo visto
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
para que bajen los precios d elas viviendas etc
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i buscaban un record mundial
Nelo dice:
un record de maxima congregación de gente reunida o un record de numero de manifestaciones o un record de gente con patillas ? un record mundial de cqué?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
de gente
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no se
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
no viene especificado xD
Nelo dice:
pues vaya chasco
Nelo dice:
bueno, creo q no he visto nada
Nelo dice:
aunq estos dias no he visto la tele ni los periodicos
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
yo es que iba por la calle
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i vi una muchedumbre
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i ya pues me interese por saber d qu eiba
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
entonces lo viste antes q en la cinefilia?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
vi l manifestacion de madrid
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
me quede un rato observando i nada
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
me iba ya para casa xd
Nelo dice:
La idea es hacer el record mundial de muchedumbres gritando esto frente al ayuntamiento de cada pueblo o ciudad
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
ahi lo decia
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
si eso
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
me sorprendio
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
nada mas
Nelo dice:
pues yo como ya tengo casitaa..
Nelo dice:
a mi ni me va ni me viene
Nelo dice:
pero apoyo todo movimiento contracultural y subversivo
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
Nelo dice:
esa risa en que grado de risual está?
Nelo dice:
es una risa normándica
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
analizas todo al milimetro
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
que miedo xd
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
es solo por el contraste
Nelo dice:
no sé
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
cada uno es como es
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
ya hombre
Nelo dice:
no me estoy lamentando
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
queria decir que
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
res asi sinmas, no hay que buscarle por que
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
como soy?
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
pues eso me parece hasta un insulto oye
Nelo dice:
no soy analitico.. si no se ni integrar
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
asipodrias enseñarme :_
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
que por cierto
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
me estoy volviendo loca buscando apuntes del año pasado
Nelo dice:
que estás dando?
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
ahora cosas simples
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
pero en algebra andamos con matrices por ejemplo
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i tenia unas hojitas que nos dieron muuuuuuy buenas
Nelo dice:
eso está mamao
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i no las encuentro xD
Nelo dice:
sobre matrices?
Nelo dice:
yo lotengo todo sobre matrices
Nelo dice:
todo lo imprescindible
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
desde cou q me se lo de las matrices
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
yo es que no recuerdo
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
algunas cosas
Nelo dice:
fue para lo único q me prepare en el selectivo
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i no hago ma suq enecontrar
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
filosofia i mas filosofia
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
de que hablas
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
de papeles
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
i con lo ordenada que soy...
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
aparece todo mezclado
Nelo dice:
Nelo dice:
bueno si te falta algo
Nelo dice:
no dudes en pedirme
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
s es que me aparecen papeles hasta d ela eso
Nelo dice:
bueno me piro que llevo en estado fétido desde q salí del curro.. a ver si hago marchas
Nelo dice:
ya nos vemos
Nelo dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice:
- §αllỵ countless odd religions, too; it doesn't matter which you choose... one stubborn way to turn your back. dice: